Free Mini-Workshop on

How to Sew the Perfect Shalwar Kameez
Every Time

You will learn


The 3 main reasons why many struggle to sew and how to overcome them.


How to unleash your creativity and design suits you love from every angle.


The simple 3-step system that can help anyone sew with ease and confidence.

This workshop will help you start sewing shalwar kameez easily and quickly from the comfort of your home.

Hi, I’m Rizwana Matadar…

And I’m passionate about empowering women like you to sew beautiful traditional clothes you love and are proud of. My passion led me to the clothing industry, where I started sewing clothes for a local factory. I went on to get a BA degree in Fashion Design from UCLan and worked as a fashion designer for many years before I started my own Modest Fashion line.

It wasn’t until Covid 2020 that I bundled my knowledge into an online programme. Since then, I have taught over 500 students how to sew their own stunning Shalwar Kameez suits.

Are you ready to gather the threads of your life and stitch them into joy?