Learn how to thread up an OverlockerĀ with Confidence in 30 minutes

A Super Simple Online Course that will throw all your Overlock Anxieties out of the window in half an hour! |Ā Taught on a Domestic Overlocker

Only Ā£14.99 | Buy Now>>

Have an overlock you are absolutely terrified of?

When you look at it it’s so daunting that you don’t want to go anywhere near it


You’re looking to buy one but just don’t have time to figure out all the extra holes and grooves and where all the threads go.

You would love to have neatly finished clothing but just can’t be bothered to figure out all the technical details…

It just LOOKS too hard. And makes you FEEL DIZZY just thinking about it!

BUT ā€¦

You would LOVE to be able to handle one and have beautifully finished seams.


You COULD become an expert at using an overlock...

And when your thread DOES break, then it’s not a problem, you know you got this.

You understand all the holes, grooves and the complicated diagram that’s on your machine.

YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, and you know it’s not hard at all...


You’re CONFIDENT & Find it Easy.


This Course Will Help You Become Confident In Threading an Overlocker.

Get Rid Of Overlock Overwhelm in Less Than 30 minutes!!!

A super simple online course that will throw all your overlock anxieties out of the window in under half an hour!!!

How is This Course Different?

The teaching methods are super simple and effective.

Each part of the overlocker is covered step-by-step and the threading is explained in detail.

The course is taught using colour co-ordinated thread to make it even easier to understand.

Everything is simplified as much as possible making it easily digestible and actionable in under 30 minutes.

Course Price £14.99

The Overlock Overwhelm course comes with Full Lifetime Access so you can come back to it whenever you need to.

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Student Feedback
Feel Confident in Threading The Overlocker Ā£14.99 >>

What Comes Inside The Course?

Here is a snapshot of the course and all the module contents:

Only 14.99 | Buy Now >
About Me

My name is Rizwana YunusĀ Iā€™m from Bolton, UK.

I am a fashion designer with my own fashion line and have been sewing for over 30 years. I also teach Textiles GCSE at High School.

I personally feel over the years, the sewing culture has slowly evaporated and I really want people to fall back in LOVE with sewing again.

That said, Iā€™ve created a series of step by step online courses so people can benefit and learn from anywhere.

I share all my unique skills and techniques Iā€™ve learnt throughout my sewing journey to help you all get excited about sewing and enjoying it.

Yes, I Want To Learn